Just Trust...

My older sister's birthday was last week, and I hate that I wasn't there to celebrate it with her. She's pregnant, and I'm very thankful that, Lord willing, we will be living in North Carolina for the birth of my sweet neice. I took these pictures when we were in NC a few weeks ago...isn't she adorable?!

I can't imagine not being there for her birth, and just for my sister. I want to be a better sister, more kind and caring, amongst other things.

On a different note, Andrew's sister and her husband were in town this weekend.

For me, the longing to be in North Carolina is slightly soothed by the presence of family in our home, however momentarily it may be. We all had a great visit, stayed up way too late, played soccer on the beach, and just enjoyed the company of a couple who dearly loves the Lord. It was nice. I look forward to many more hours and evenings spent with them.

As the days quickly come and go, I pray for clear guidance and direction, and find myself frequently reminded of Proverbs 16:9..."The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." No matter what plans we make, what path down which we invision our lives travelling, God's plan for us prevails. More often than not, it makes no sense. Where we are right now...it makes no sense. We have many reasons to want to be back in North Carolina, reasons that make sense--that seem right-- but we seem to be stuck here. It would be so easy to try to take the reins, control things ourselves. It's so difficult to not try to control our situation and just put it in God's hands. But we serve a faithful God, a God who shows us that faithfulness every day. I'm amazed by how things always work out, even when it may not seem so evident immediately. God's plan is good and perfect. I have to trust more, pray more and know that He is in control, He loves us, and He knows what is best for us. We are in the care of a great and mighty God...what more could I ask for?


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