Sorry, Gabourey.

We love to be outside. We were lazy most of the weekend, so by yesterday afternoon we were all getting a little stir-crazy. We went for a nice walk at the beach (complete with our traditional espresso truffle!) and came home to enjoy the Oscars.

We spiced the Oscars up with a little bet. Whoever guessed the most winners correctly won. If that person was me, I got a massage every night for a week, and if Andrew won, I would cook dinner for a week (he usually does most of the cooking!).* After much anticipation and being tied almost the entire time, our leading actress guesses were the deciding factor. Gabourey Sidibe, I'm sorry you lost, but not as sorry as my love is! That's right, I won. And boy is my back looking forward to this week! I must say, though, that my dear husband has never refused me a back rub anytime I've asked, so I may not hold him to that every night this week thing...and I might just cook dinner a few times, anyway.
*Knowing my cooking skills, I secretly think my love got himself into a lose/lose bet, but that's beside the point!


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