In Closing...

Christmas time. It's busy, ya know? It's hard to not get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season. And then it ends, and inevitably, I go into the next year resolving to spend more time on things that really matter the next Christmas. To not rush. To sit and ponder, to revel in my Savior. To soak up every minute with my family, and know that if I can't find that gift, it's okay.

As a new year rapidly approaches, I'm thinking about these things more and more. Do I do the same thing the whole year 'round, and not just at Christmas? Rush and rush and miss so much in the process? Probably.  Yes. 

I'm not big on resolutions, per se, but this year, I'm making one. This year, I will put my relationship with Christ above all else. I will be disciplined in my quiet time, and make every attempt to have my priorities in line. What could be more important than to grow my relationship with the Lord? I'll admit it, quiet time is hard for me. It means getting up before Jonah (who lately is up at 5:37 on the dot every morning), leaving my warm bed with my cuddling husband, and sitting in silence to read, journal, and pray. But if it means cultivating my heart for God...then it's worth it. He has been good to me, and He deserves so much more than all I have to give.

I look forward to all God has for me this year, for my family. I know that through discipline He will grow me, and I can't wait to see the works he does in me, and prayerfully, through me.

Not sure if I'll be back before the New Year, so I'll end with one of my favorite shots from 2010 (maybe ever). Excuse the quality...I think it was a phone shot.

"But I trust in your unfailing love; 
my heart rejoices in your salvation.
I will sing the Lord's praise,
for he has been good to me."
-Psalm 13:5-6


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